#RockingMotherhood Tag
Thank you to the lovely Kay from BabyPixieandBeauty for nominating me for the #RockingMotherhood tag! You can read her post here.
Parenting can be tough sometimes. Okay, maybe a lot of the time! And it can be easy to feel lost, unsure or perhaps like you are failing. But it’s always good to take a moment and remind ourselves that we are doing a good job! And so, here are my 10 reasons why I'm #RockingMotherhood!
1.) I will listen to the same song on repeat because my kids love it.
2.) I give my kids the freedom to play with any type of toy and not worry about gender stereotypes.
3.) I am not afraid to be silly with my kids and will keep doing it until they find it embarrassing.
4.) My son is at a very inquisitive age and I always try to patiently listen to his many questions and answer them as best, and as honestly, as I can.
5.) I will have open discussions with my kids about life lessons and important topics, such as stranger danger, death, making charitable donations, being kind to others, etc. I encourage them to ask questions and assure them they can talk to me and my husband about anything.
6.) I make sure my kids are read to daily. I think reading books is important to their education and encourages their creativity.
7.) I teach my kids manners, kindness and respect.
8.) I try to always apologize to them when I'm wrong. I have my bad days and will perhaps take my bad mood out on them. I try to always be mindful of how my behaviour affects them, admit when I'm wrong and tell them I'm sorry.
9.) I always make time for hugs, even if I'm rushing out the door to get to work. I always want my kids to feel loved.
10.) In order to be the best mom I can be, I make sure to take care of myself. My kids are my heart and soul, and I want them to have a happy and healthy mother to care for them. In order to best care for my son and daughter I make sure to allow myself time for me to relax and recharge. Not only that, but I want them to see me doing things that make me happy (aside from being with them), like date nights with my husband, spending time writing or going to a yoga class.
Now I am going to nominate these wonderful mom bloggers to join the fun! Momma Braga, The Milk Leech, Guilty Chocoholic Mama and Write Away, Mommy. Enjoy!
- Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
- List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10).
- Tag 3 – 5 bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.
- Grab the #RockingMotherhood badge and add it to your post or sidebar.